Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity it's the first of #DreadTober and I've been #PaintingWarhammer

OK, so the Foetid Bloat Drone is my primary pledge, it's almost Dread sized but more importantly I need it done for Parade Day on 22nd October. I've started with the watered down Vallejo Game Extra Opaque Heavy Red.

It should in fact only take my a week to 10 days to do but I've some other items I can pledge to finish at the same time. It's a little unfortunate these events have coincided at the same time. I had planned to finish off my Reaver and Warhound Titans as part of my pledge after this, but I may have other things to do.

Once I've completed this I will focus on my Ravenwing and the 10 bikes may just be too much to do after the Bloat Drone uses up maybe a third of my remaining hobby time. So, I will prioritise the Assault bikes. They're pretty big, and there's 3 of them. Perhaps see them through to completion.

Then I have my 2 Munitorum Containers which might be handy to push forward, time permitting.

If that's get done then I've the remaining Ravenwing I can try to get done. Sadly my Gellerpox Infected, which would have been perfect for AoP won't be done in time. As much as I'd love them to be, and my Death Guard army is much quicker to paint than my other armies, there just isn't the time. I wouldn't want to compromise them, or anything else already on my painting table to meet some arbitrary goal.

Anyway, Dry Rust on the Bloat Drone next and some basecoats.