So it's been a few years since I've done anything really with 40K especially on the model side of things other than trimming down the collection to something more resembling reasonable. I'm no longer a few squads away from having an entire chapter's worth of infantry and the vehicles have been trimmed down as well. I've kept all the painted models as well as a small selection of unpainted that I didn't want to part with. A fair hunk were sold off and another contingent was sprung on Corey which since he only does a couple squads in a chapter, was enough for him to do 7 or 8 different forces. So I've got all the Lions of Harlech better organized now for showing them off and while I have a nice contingent of Dreadnaughts (all 28 of them), too large a percent of them are unpainted (11 of them). So with the start of Dreadtober, which I haven't praticipated in quite a while, I'm going to go aggressive and aim to get 7 total Dreadnaughts painted. I'll be looking to finish 3 Contemptors, 1 Ironclad, and 3 regular Dreadnaughts. If I finish this challenge, that will leave me 1 Contemptor (which needs a left arm) and 3 Leviathans that need painting. I'll be actually making it back up to gaming in Johnson City this coming weekend and I think I'll be getting a rematch game against Joel. I greatly was misguessing on how close combat would work so I hopefully I'll be able to work that and other lessons into the next game. I still need to pick up a current marine codex which will help greatly but it hasn't fit into the budget yet. I also need to finish going through my paints and see what is still viable to use. Almost all my Vallejo and Model Color bottles are good with thier twist tops, though a few of them have seperated to the point that I can't get them to remix. All the GW washes seem to be in good shape but the few foundation paints and some of the regular GW paints have harded badly with those flip top lids that don't seem to seal really well. I also have some Tamiya Color paints that have held up well as well, though these are almost all for use on my Battletech miniatures. So that is the current state of things on the Lions of Harlech front. I'll be aiming to do another post in a week to show where I'm at with the Dreadnaughts for Dreadtober. So that is where things stand for the moment and we'll see how it all goes!
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