Yes, more! If you recall back in 2015 I found some of the 2nd edition era Cbaos Space Marines that my  brother built. After re working them a bit, they became my first full squad of Chaos Space Marines. It's time I did some more.

The making of new recruits.

Over the past month I have been tinkering with these things, merging the old kits from the "90s and "00s with some of the bits from the current kits.  

The old kits.

Some of these old models had to be removed from the old bases to the 'new' 32mm ones. A voice in my head was trying to convince me to leave these sprues intact ("They belong in a museum! Or on eBay!") but, me being me, ignored those annoying voices and went on with assembling these traitor astartes. 

2nd edition plastic Chaos marines.

If you've read those older posts, you'll know that half the squad was painted as generic Black Legion while the other half are painted up as the Hounds of Abaddon subtraction. They were originally intended for Kill Team, and I often broke the squad in half and ran them as two units. I have decided to expand each up to a full squad and to make another squad of 5 -10 models. I'm not exactly sure how many models I have to work with. 

Don't worry, they're 'armless! 

The squad leader was based off of the art from the boxed set that these models came from. I think I got pretty close to matching that old art
However he did end up with the trophy rack (it's really just a big spike) to mark him out easier as a leader model. 

Here to lead. 

The newer backpacks not only fit well with these older models but they look great as well. I love the way the banner poles, trophies and alternate top plates slot into the current backpacks. 

A very nice fit. 

The guy with the massive chain gun was a challenge to assemble. I understand the design decision to have the ammo belt be a separate piece but I don't understand why it was decided to make it a two piece part. There was much cussing to be heard. There was a lot of parts that went into this guy, but ultimately I like how he's turned out so far.

Big guns never... maybe I should've led with this pic?

Assembling the rest of the new configurations has been a fun challenge, with lots of kitbashing between the various incarnations of Chaos Space Marine. 

Multiple models being assembled.

One of my favorites of the new upgrade options is the psyker guy with the balefire tome.  He's just got such a thrilled expression on his face. It's like he just won $20 on a scratch-off lottery ticket after spending $50 on a stack of scratch-off lottery tickets. 

"I'm a winner!'

I got all of these new recruits primed and about half of them even got their bases basecoated. And in time to go game with Kushail. The game isn't one we're going to chronicle (for 'reasons') but we did get a few interesting pics that I'll show more of in my next Dreadtober post. But these new additions performed fairly well. The Aspiring Champion for the Hounds of Abaddon squad even faced an Ironclad Dreadnought on his own. Well, after his squad died from it's attacks. He too was ripped apart soon afterwards, but I was still impressed. The guy with the balefire tome was handy also. He managed to inflict some Mortal Wounds via his  Smite psychic attack against some foes during the game also. 

Aspiring Champ vs. Ironclad.

Since we're considering this a practice game at best (because 'reasons') I look forward to getting these guys into a proper game sooner than later! And with more paint on them (hopefully)!