So this past weekend there was an attempt at getting a second game of 40K in to continue learning the current edition. The Lions of Harlech were going to be facing off against Neverness' Black Legion contingent. Between the realization that I could actually do it as well as an ode to the Dreadtober theme, I was going to be running a full Dreadnought list. A Chaplain Dreadnought leading a pair each of Contemptors and Ironclads with a Leviathan along as well. The planned game was derailed by the inclusion of a 3rd Party who both made the game more complicated than it needed to be, but also through his gaming style and way of doing things just totally took all the fun out of the experience. Neverness and I are going to see about a second attempt at that game using the same lists at some point in the future which I'm looking forward to. I think he was genuinely surprised when he saw my list and we did get one cool interaction with the two Ironclads charging a Hellbrute for a short and brutal combat. Now onto the hobby portion of the Dreadtober experience. First up we have the pair of regular Dreadnoughts with paired arms of Autocannons. These Dreadnoughts have been built like this since around 6th Edition and to be honest, I'm not even sure if it is a weapon option any more, but they look too cool to be changing so this is how they'll be staying. And the last part of the update is that I've made progress painting on the three Contemptors. I'm hoping to have these three completed by the end of this coming weekend for the next update. That will leave me an Ironclad and the other regular Dreadnought to get painted. Progress feels like it is going well and I think I'll be able to finish the plan by the end of the month. So that is where things stand as of now and I'll see you all next week for the next post.
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