Hello one and all!

I am sorry for the delay in posting this, I had planned to do this last week - but a bust clutch saw me stuck away for a few days with work..

Up this week is a couple of Deathwatch squads that I've been working on - this will annoy Siph as I'm posting this as one post, not 3!

Deathwatch Veterans

This 5 man squad is designed with storm shields, and a combination of bolters and combi weapons. I've used a selection of sternguard and forgeworld parts to make the unit stand out. These were painted in the same style as my Deathwatch, with details picked out.

10 man squad

This 10 man squad is designed to be a hard hitting force, utilising missile launchers, and terminators with launchers to maximise the number of high strength fire whcih can be used to combat tanks/engines wtc. The squad also has 2 armed with long range bolters to add further hitting power. The sergeant is armed with a stormshield to act as the 'shield' for any imcoming fire. I have also modeled the sigmum from the Dev SM kit to make him stand out.

5 Terminators

This 5 man squad has been designed to hit up close and personal, with 2 thunderhammers and Storm shields, and 3 Assault Cannons! These could either be utilised to deep strike to claim objs, or to be deployed at the start of the battle with a view of moving forward, laying waste to all! 

I've opted to not have any squad makers on these, as I have for the others to allow me to swap out the units, and move them, around into the various Deathwatch Kill Teams.LH (28pts)