Another week, another group of characters to add to my growing Deathwatch force,

This time we have a Captain, from the Blood Angels, a Chaplain from the Angels Vermillion, and a Lieutenant from the Blood Swords Chapters.


The Lieutentant was build using a combination of parts from the sternguard kit. The model was painted as per my other Deathwatch, with the details picked out. I opted for this marine to be a Lieutenant simly down to having a good mix of wargear to be good equally at the front of the line, or directing from the rear, with supporting fire.


I used the plastic Chaplain which I purchased some time ago. The helmet was used so that the bare head could be used on another model.Really happy with the skull helm, and tones from the blue glowing eyes.


SMASH! finally, the Blood Angels Captian, using the jump pack Chaplain as a base, I converted the right arm to have a Thunder, and the left arm was swapped to have him holding a storm shield. The Thunder hammer was painted in a 'buring elements' style, from red up to a yellow highlight. happy with the results! The details over the armour were picked out in Purple to appear different to the other jump pack chaplain model. 

Boom - 3 done! onto the next :) LH (30pts)