Hello Dreadtober-teers, I managed to get some decent progress with the Imperial Knight Preceptor Canis Rex. The armour plates are mostly done now and the shoulder pauldrons are completed with decals. Just the arms and a banner left for the final week.
Dreadtober is an annual event held over the month of October where hobbyists pledge to do a dreadnought-sized model from the to-do pile and get it finished, starting 1st Oct and hopefully completing 31st Oct (Halloween/All Hallows Eve) with lots of progress shots and encouragement along the way :) and I like to partake in Dreadtober, and have done for a few years.
The right shoulder pauldron followed the box art, broken chains to signify the "Chainbreaker", Canis Rex's nickname. These come on the enclosed decal sheet in the Preceptor box. These are just dry-fitted in place, I'll finish and attach the arms before gluing down.
The left Pauldron I chose to differ from the repeat of the first which is shown on the box art, and used an Imperial Aquila over laid with a broken chain, signifying that no chain or yoke will hold back the Imperial Truth! I rather like this effect and it freed up two lengths of chain decal I can use elsewhere on the miniature.
I added a White Wolf decal to the Scion's hatch and more of the spare chain links which look great. The decal sheet comes with the Canis Rex script already for the scrolls and parchments which is a nice touch.
Rather than follow the box art I added some of the spare chain links to the leg greaves and to mirror my other 17 Knights, red inner panels with Imperial Aquila. The chain links for the "Chainbreaker" look rather good.
Just the Thunderstrike Gauntlet and the Las-Impulsor to complete, and the heraldic banner for the legs.

Carry on all Dreadtober-teers, still time to get those projects completed! Cheers, Siph.