Hello one and all! thanks for popping by!

Another week, another offering.. this time, something a little more heretical! A converted Fabius Bile into a Primaris Apothecary! 

So you might ask 'why?' to which there is a simple, yet weird response. The first Autopsy I saw as a student was at a hospital, where the guy who was doing it looked just like Fabius, only difference was the lack of a skin coat, and he was holding a sandwich (no lie) thus, the moment I saw the new model, I knew I had to include him. 

I've converted the backpack to a more 'imperial' one, using an apothecary version, with the additions of Bile's equipment. The pack was cut and filed to allow the medical instruments to fit nicely. 

 For a giggle, I opted to make him from the Emperor chil... Spears, a little nod to his true background.. 

 I also added his minion, with a simple conversion to remove the syringe and drugs from his back. 

 Definitly a good addition to the force! LH (10pts)