I have an idea. I'm painting up my Nugle forces, and besides making the Death Guard Army, I want to do a narrative campaign. Some brave Imperial types vs the horrors of Nurgle, I'm still hashing out what rules I should use for this adventure. My brain reminded me that I have some old metal dudes, long forgotten in the back of a drawer somewhere... 

After a fair bit of digging through the hidden pile of shame I found some excellent surprises.

A Chaos Spawn (built), a Very Metal Chaos Sorcerer, and the parts for three Beasts of Nurgle, back when they were better, if briefly, know as Slime Hounds.

Metal AF Sorcerer just needed a 32mm slota base and was good to go.

The trio of Slime Hounds...wow. They were, let's go with extremely challenging to assemble. Early '90s metal figures did not coddle the weak. The body is in two badly alined parts, two badly fitting feet, and three rows of tentacles that were an absolute nightmare to fit to each other and the top of the body.

After trying a few round bases, I settled on a newer oval one. A ton of work, but I like they a lot. Full of that whole "weird and pissed off," vibe. Now for paint!

Go Build Something
And Make it Weird