It is Christmas holidays and I have a new project, or rather an old one that needs finishing and I think I have the mojo to do so. This is a Cerastus Knight-Castigator that I started several years ago with the intension of having him as the head of my knight order, the Northern Knights (I know that my ability to come up with original names is limited). As such I decided to go nuts with the GS and this is where I got stuck. Once all the major ideas where done I did not know what to do next but I felt that I was not done. So the model got sitting around for some time (years), but after finishing the Dominus for the 5th banner I felt that I was on a roll and needed to finish this of also. So I set about tightening up some of the GS work, adding some new and finally tackeld the task of getting the legs built. I have really been dreading this as I wanted a dynamic pose, but had not built one of these before so I did not know exactly what range of motions I could get, and once you start gluing things together and cutting pistons you are kind of set and there is no going back.

I had this idea of the knight standing in a brazed position firing the Gatling guns. Since the knees are a bit strange on this model, having the leg on top of something would make the knee look strange in my opinion so I decided to have the model in a low and wide stance. This however cause the model to stick over the base so I needed to add some extensions (still need to get the details of the base done). With the basic structure of the base done I could start gluing in the feet, legs and hips. I tried to do this as a three piece assembly, two legs and the pelvis, but I could not get it all to line up with only bluetac holding things together so I had to glue everything into place to get al the parts in. Once I had the pelvis, legs and feet done I was about to glue in the toes... and realised that one of the feet where backwards... (they are not symmetrical as the front toe has a broader slot). I tried to break things apart but the super glue was to well applied and I risked breaking the wrong parts at the wrong place. So I had to remove the pistons and use a jewellery saw to cut the foot of at the ankel, turn it around and re glue it. Once that was done the toes could go on in the right direction.

Now I will base spray and then I attack the base with some plaster to build up some more structure. I also need to find some suitable piece to use for scale purposes.