A bit of paint goes a long way. I had a couple of nice evening painting sessions and the Old Ones are ready to spread terror. I also painted up the newest plastic Beast of Nurgle to add to the party.

Azoth the Faceless, my metal AF Sorcerer, was the hardest to nail down, color-wise. All back is the obvious choice, but I wanted a bit of pop. I went with dark green robes at first, but I just wasn't feeling it. Then I though, "What would Dio wear?" 

I'm pleased with the dark purple look. Stands out a bit and ties into the beast's tentacle colors.

The Chaos spawn was also tricky due to a lack of definition. So I went with the tried and true method of  base coat, wash, and highlight drybrush. Looks fine from two feet away.

The old Slime Hounds were fun. They came out much better than I had hoped they would. Now to figure out the details of my campaign.

Release The Slime Hounds!
The Old Horrors Rise Anew