Hello Readers and Titan Enginseers, hope you are having a productive new year. I have progressed more with my third Warlord, Warlord Titan certified No.10, the re-paint from Legio Atarus to Legio Astorum continued with the distinctive yellow of Astorum. Warlord 2 is still in the pre-construction phase with the exception of the head! This re-paint will be quicker and easier to complete before Warlord two! (the fuss over Warlord 10 is completely mine - I happen to have Reaver 10 and Mars Warhound 10... so I HAD to have Warlord 10 haha)
This is a Mars Alpha pattern Warlord Head from Forge World, the repaint was inside and out, but the base metal underside and the neat power cables was already in place from its time as Atarus so I managed to mask off and keep. 

The previous owner had a plain silver inside and the crew in red (Atarus) fatigues. I repainted the deckhead (ceiling) and started to add details like brass pipes, dials and view screens. The Princeps got a more Astorum fitting blue overcoat.
The deckhead was painted my familiar cockpit interior Tamiya XF-21 eggshell green/blue. I added a Warlord Titan to the viewscreen, the Lucius head has a Warhound and the Mars Beta head has a Reaver!
Here you can make out the viewscreens and buttons and keypads etc. I also added leather cushioning to the Moderati and Princeps control thrones.

The pins were removed from the original build and strong magnets were added to the Titan Torso and the head neck. I placed it ever so slightly off centre to give some movement to the titan pose when constructed.
So, this is the third head for Warlord's, one of each design (Mars Beta Warhammer World exclusive Head - Mars Alpha standard - Lucius Alpha head now OOP) I am very pleased with the consistency of the yellow hue, Army Painter White base, Army Painter Demonic Yellow layer, then a Averland Sunset edge with three layers of Forge World Clear Yellow airbrush paint. This acts like a yellow ink and warms the yellow base layer.

Thanks for dropping by, Cheers, Siph.