Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Orc Team and they are TO DONE! Inspired by  Tyler Russo's amazing Orks at Billion Dollar Clown Farm and this Orc Team by Robbin Cruddace. After the Dirty Down Rust I think I've ended up more towards Tyler's style than Robin's 

There's so much orange in play, matched with the green skin, red accent, black, silver and bone/white there are far more colours than I originally intended.

Now, although I do like what I've done and how they came out I'd say these pictures aren't great and so they're influencing my overall perception. Add in the fact the rust hasn't quite come out how I expected - the Army Painter Anti-Shine seems to have encapsulated most of it.

I usually expect it to have some effect, which is why I don't worry too much if I go overboard as the varnish helps remove some of powders.

But in person I just get the impressions it is clear it's behind a transparent layer. It's not frosted or ruined it's just there so I'm less happy about it than I should be.

But it's the wealth of colour that's making me feel slightly disappointed.

I know, me complaining about colour!

It's not so much  I don't like it, it's just now I see it and remember a previous step I genuinely wish I'd stopped where I was at.

I've a picture later one, when we get to players 9, 10, 11 and 12 that hopefully will illustrate what I mean.

But let's talk Dirty Down Rust - still not right, not what I thought it would be like but a slight improvement.

But most of the orange here is from my Vallejo Model Wash Rust, mixed with weathering powders.

It's great in places so I shouldn't complain and I'm sure further down the line I'll look more at these as they are and marvel that I actually did it.

But right now, I think I expected something else and although what I expected was probably more within my capability of what I normally do the style would have been more restrained.

Somehow I've done something I would consider technically outside of my norm, but visually more in keeping, it's an odd turn of events.

And the varnish, well? Blood Bowl players do take a lot of handling so regardless of what I hoped to achieve that varnish needs to be one, no matter what.

Here's the illustration of my problem, this was the previous point, before the rust FX and I think I prefer where it was at. It might be cleaner, more uniform with unbroken blocks of black but I like it. The better picture also helps.

I just like the sharpness to it all whereas the rust has gone a bit OTT in places. What do you think?

I do like the markers though, particularly choosing to do different different scales of checks on the gauntlet.

The Blessed Verdigris coin is also pretty cool, although I'm not sure if I should have done a rusty silver metal instead. It does still work but it'll be a question I'll continue to ask for years to come.

And with that a GREAT Big RUSTY Stamp of Approval

But I'm not finished yet, because of course I also painted Varag Ghoul-Chewer whop gets his own slot in my pantheon of TO DONE! this season.

The Ghoul himself was something I was concerned about as I had no idea where I was going to go with him. I winged it a bit but I think he came out alright.

The picture on the left looked awesome when I took it, really seemed to show all the detail and colours I'd managed to achieve. However, on closer inspection it's another slightly disappointing pic. I don't know what's going on with my photography set up but it's beginning to dampen my sense of achievement with lacklustre pics 😔

It highlights all the paint marks, which I'm down for and my Camera360 app was previously enhancing to the point of cartoon but these are genuine blobs and strokes.

But the quality of pics just seem to have gone downhill and I don't know why

I really liked how the horns on his jaw came out.

And with that a GREAT Big RUSTY Stamp of Approval

Subsequently I took some pics of them on their pitch. I don't know if they're better but at least the bases match. I'll share them tomorrow, cos you've had plenty of pics so far today.