Hello all, thanks for dropping by. I have gone and done it, eventually getting some actual Relictor decals - I said I wouldn't, but these looked great and a slow burn, easy to do project is nice to have the option to do - I just don't want to think of how many Relictors I may need to change over to the new design. 

From the very origin of the blog, I have Relictors - I now have a LOT of Relictors, all for simplicity and repeatability I used the standard white skull decals supplied with Space Marine kits and Imperial Guard Vehicle sets. These have served me well, but now companies like Fallout Hobbies and Pop Goes the Monkey are producing quality alternatives to the Chapters Games Workshop do not support.
Here is my Thunderhammer Terminator squad, first painted in March 2009, still looking great.
And sporting the new decals from Fallout Hobbies. I did minimal preparation and didn't even snip the decal to go over the curved shoulder plate - I didn't even trim the excess film to near the Skull - but two coats of Microsol was sufficient to achieve a near painted on look. A lot thinner than the GW carrier film - so happy with that, I will trim the film nearer the pattern on the next set of pads, but I wanted to test for these.

Great job Fallout Hobbies! Now for the slow slog of changing 50 vehicles and 300 marines...

Cheers, Siph