Just a small update showing the small amount of progress I was able to make on this guy since the last post

This top picture shows the progress just past the basecoats stage. I used Contrast Paints on his clothes and skin. I was, again, less than impressed with Spaces Wolves Grey Contrast Paint. This time I used it on his cloak and robes, and I just hated it. I used Catachan Flesh on all the armored bits. I sometimes like to use a dark brown as a base for gold as it gives it extra depth. I painted over that with a classic from the '90s: Tin Bitz

Here we are at the early stages of the mid-coats. Retributor Armor was applied here and finally the gold is beginning to come together for me. Model Color Azure was painted over the Contrast Paint on the clothes which I think is now starting to work the way I visualized it. I generally dislike Vallejo paints as I find them to be too runny for my style but this one worked out for this situation. 

Alright, a short update indeed. Remember, the month is flying by fast and the Conclave will gather on the first of September. So if you want to be a part of it this year there is still time!