I love Kaider Rushforth cases.

Everything that has featured over the last two weeks worth of posts fits nicely into the cases pictured here.

One of the benefits of metal Praetorian models is their size compared to a lot of current plastic GW models.  The aluminium case shown bottom right contains most of the Redcoat models through the use of KR foam trays that carry 72 models. In effect, I can fit seven Infantry squads into each layer.

It's a swine to lift though!

The following shows what is left on my Praetorian pile of shame.  There is a big surplus of heavy weapons but not enough lasrifle models for a full 55 strong platoon.  I may do some playing around and add heavy weapons to my Armoured Fist Platoon and some Command Squads.  That should free up 10 - 16 standard troopers.