While at Nova and playing Zone Mortalis I realized I wanted to make another force and since ZM is smaller points it wouldn't be too bad. That was my initial thought but it still turned out to be more then I was initially expecting. So now I'm working on a Loyalist Emperors Children force... we'll see how big it gets haha

I have some more on the way as well.. Right now I'm sadly waiting on Dragonforge bases I've ordered. It's been almost 2 weeks and they are still processing. So hopefully they get them moving soon. I'm to the point I'm probably just going to start painting them off base.

But since I was waiting I repainted an old Relic Contemptor I had...
is now 

I wanted to figure out my color scheme and he's pretty close. I will add a little more weathering and what not but I'm happy with my purple. I need to play with the gold a little more.. But it's nice to paint something a little different. His arms are magnetized so add the Las and have some more arms on the  way,..