Today, I have some Leviathan Tyranids that have been painting up, though this time, not by me! My partner has been helping me to paint up some of my terrain and models over the past couple of years. She loved the look of the new Tyranid models, and wanted to paint them up once I got the boxed set. 

We had a look online and found a tutorial and colour scheme that she liked, which happened to be the purple Leviathan scheme. We used this tutorial from Sonic Sledgehammer Studio, with a few minor modifications. 

The Nids at the Warhammer store in Reading used the Leviathan scheme, but with red claws and weapons. Jennie liked the look of that, so we decided to copy it. 

Here are some WIP shots of what she has done so far. I helped out a little, showing her the drybrushing highlighting technique, but the majority of the work was done by Jennie. I think they are coming along really nicely. She likes the big models, so I picked up a few more models to make the army a bit more viable with the new codex coming out. 

I don't think she'll ever get into the gaming side, but really does enjoy the hobby aspect.