I am ploughing along with my Iron Circle Domitars. After washing all the parts I started by taking the legs of from the gates and cleaned them up. Om set had a bit more casting errors than the other so I am wondering if they are from different moulds or different ages.

Once cleaned up I though I it would be easy to assemble them in some dynamic way on the bases, as most of the FW kits, but then I realized that the legs are basically mono pose. Even if they come in eleven pieces you can basically only assemble them in one way. The upper body and arms has some more flexibility and makes it possible to vary the models enough for them to not look to similar. My problem was however that I already made the bases and wanted the legs to conform to this. One of the major things was that the surfaces for the model to stand on was made to be a left and right leg forward setup. And one of them also had different angels of the surfaces for the left and right foot.

As the legs are made to be left foot forward only I had to cut the hipp connector of from the right led and re angle it to get the thigh a bit more forward. I did not manage to make a full right leg forward pose, it became a more of parallell legs in a standing pose. Could have been better but it is different enough and I got it to fit on the base in a nice way.

Once the legs got sorted It was on to setting up the arms in a suitable way. I decided to make on of them hide behind the shield with a raised hammer and the other in a more open pose with the hammer across the chest. This will show the model in two different was focusing on different parts of the sculpt. This also menat that the heads will be pointing  to the side in different directions. 

To match the directions of the heads I mounted the bolt cannons so that the also point where the head is looking. This of course meant that bending the ammo feeds became a bit tricky as they are not really long enough for swivelling the gun in a proper way.

Compared to the ammo belts the power cables for the shiels was easy, even if they are a bitt thicker and needs a bit more care with the heating not to snap them. I might need to do some fine adjustment of these once the model is painted and I have fixed the arms into their final position.

I am leaving the models in quite a few bits for painting. each will be broken down into the base, the legs, upper body, hammer arm, shield arm, shield, neck shield, left shoulder guard, right shoulder guard, right shoulder mini shield and the face plate.

Next up is paint...