After giving the model a bath and partial assembly I sprayed everything black and started laying in the base colours. The skeleton was painted my usual rusted metal starting from a black, brown and orange base and drybrushing copper and three white metals over it. It was then washed with earth shade. after this I went back and repainted some brown and oranges where I thought I would make the rust a bit brighter. Then it was time for another go with drybrushing. 

Once I was happy with the metals I painted in the green armour panels and gave them a brown ink coverage. This was followed by a three stage green drybrush followed with a watered down ink coat. Once dry yet another three layers of green drybrush. Quite a few steps and a lot of pieces. And in between each drybrush I rinsed each piece under running water to get all the drybrushing dust off (this prevents iceing in my experience).

The face shields where painted in the same way as I have done on my titans and knights, a "painted" skull. Getting to the eyes were not easy, and I am not sure how much of these will be visible.

I also did the bases. These where not anything as advanced as the models but turned out ok. The concreete slabs where base painted grey and inked with three inks, then drybrushed four shades of grey. The earth was just painted a light brown, washed with earth shade and then drybrushed with sand and bone colours. These were finished of with some PVA glue and IRL sand.

All and all a productive first week. Next week will not see as much progress due to work, but I am confident that I will finish these before the end of the month. What is left now is to paint in some chevrons and other markings on the shoulders and shields. Then it is time for weathering with some sponge chipping. Once that is done it is just to go over everything and add the details and final assembly.


I was asked if I could proved some scale shoots, so here we go. Domitar and mechanicum robot and some primaris and old-old-metal marines.