Hello Readers, thanks for dropping by. My latest offering for the reinforcements to the Relictors Battle Companies is a Ballistus Dreadnought, the shooty 'Redemptor' chassis version. Armed with a Heavy Lascannon and a Ballistus Missile Launcher it packs some punch.
I am scheduling these posts as I am away and unable to participate in this year’s Dreadtober, check out the people’s progress at Dreadtober blog. 
I didn't realise until assembly that the one in the Leviathan box set is a push-fit model, but I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of detail it still preserved (thinking of the AOBR plastic dreadnought of old), only the rear of the legs were noticeably lacking detail and the right foot on the tactical rock - not like the AOBR lacking exhaust stacks.
I used some big a$$ decals on the huge slab sided armour, the Relictors symbol and numerals echoing the previous two Redemptor Dread designs, and a huge Heavy Support chevron.
The right arm housed the Lascannon, I repeated the common theme of green power cables, and used the biggest Relictor icon and weathered t slightly to not look too false.
The skull fits perfectly.
This was stock built with only a slight twist in the waist rather than using the plastic push-fit peg, to give more dynamism in which is a fairly static gun platform, also I covered up some of the 'vines' or 'tyranid spore growth' from the concrete slab using some gravel.

Cheers, Siph (5pts)