Good lord, I haven’t posted since March.

So…what happened there?

So this is not the first time I’ve gone radio silent for a long period of time (indeed, the first time this happened is when I converted the Patreon to per-post rather than periodic), but this one was…pretty bad. Essentially, a very large project in my professional life went sideways (this is the generous version of this), and this summer was spent on a last ditch effort to save it.

Also, I’ve genuinely been able to get more gaming done with an active local group.

The two of these combined to ensure that what little time I spent was spent actually gaming.

But I’ve missed Variance Hammer, and I’ve got some upcoming projects that will be back in the spirit of the old blog, so I’m hoping to be more active soon.

In the meantime, if you really miss my opinions, I’m also on two (admittedly sporadic) podcasts:

Lost to the Nails:

Me and Brian Harvey (from Splintermind) musing about 40K and adjacent games, talking about things like events, narrative gaming, how we approach the hobby, and just general wandering around the Games Workshop universe. Right now, we’re waiting with baited breath for Legions Imperialis, because that is extremely our jam.

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Plastic Pressgang:

A more recent podcast with myself and a local historicals player (Calvin), Plastic Pressgang is an attempt to make the historical side of the wargaming hobby, which often feels somewhat intimidating, more accessible. This is a pretty new journey for me, so a lot of this is learning and exploring as we go.

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