Today, I take a break from the Tyranids to showcase one of the recent boards that I made for the gaming club and tournaments that I hold. This one is a UKTC set that has been themed to fit the Cyberpunk gaming mat from I was really happy with how this one turned out, as I thought it might be difficult to match the aesthetic of the mat. 

I started with undercoating the MDF set with dark grey primer, followed by Tempest Blue from the Colour Forge. I've used a few of these sprays and can really recommend them. They come in 500 mL cans, so are a bit bigger than standard spray cans. I was able to cover all the terrain for a standard UKTC tournament board with some left to spare in the can. 

After that, I drybrushed with denim blue to try and match the lighter areas of the mat. I actually used Dulux paint rather than acrylic, as I struggled to get a good colour match without mixing, which I was worried about getting consistent across all the terrain. It actually drybrushed very well and didn't take too long to dry. However, it did absolutely ruin the brush, so be sure to use a cheap or old one!

After that, I taped off the areas that I wanted to be different colours with masking tape. Luckily, the tiles on the MDF ruins were the same size as those on the gaming mat, so that was a bit easier. I then used a sponge to apply some acrylic paint; a couple of shades of yellow for some of the ruins, and blue mist acrylic paint for the lighter blue sections. 

Once these were dry, the tape was removed. I then gave all the ruins a drybrush of dark grey. I then used a sponge to apply some black paint to most of the ruins, lightly in some sections, then some more concentrated areas on the ground floors. I then used a sponge to add some dark red blood splatter to a few of the ruins. 

Finally, I added some dark black/grey flock to add some patches to the ground floors to mat those on the gaming mat. 

That was it done, it only took me a day to get through most of it, which is why I really like painting up these sets. I was actually contacted to make one of these on a commission, so will be repeating this board again. 

Here is the completed terrain set. I think it fits in with the gaming mat very nicely, without the ruins looking too busy to detract from the models on the board.