Here is Lieutenant Titus, the (at this time) exclusive miniature from the Space Marine 2 Board Game . And what a majestic model he his. Ok, that might be overselling him, but he is cool.

Of course you can't be a hero without a Tactical Rock under one of your feet. And Titus here is launching himself forward ready to dice up his target. And shoot him in the face. Or both. 

When I first saw the model when Warhammer Community first premiered him I wasn't overly thrilled with him. It's a good model, don't get me wrong, but I wasn't awed by him. But holding him in hand after assembly I have to admit he cuts a mean jib. Check him out next to this standard Primaris guy. 

Hopefully I can get him painted soon, along with his gribble foes from the Space Marine 2 Board Game. I am torn between giving him red weapons or painted him as he appears in the board game's rule book.