Hello Titanseers and all, welcome and thanks for dropping by. I have been busy updating the excellent paint scheme on my fourth Warlord to better match my own Maniple colours as well as preserve the excellent job Alan G did on his Titan. I hopefully have accomplished that with the update to the blues which have been repainted to match my Astorum Blue (Kantor Blue) and the golds have been warmed up with a stipple of Vallejo Brass (my gold) and a wash of Reikland Fleshshade.

The above image shows from top to bottom: Updated new Belicosa, Warlord 104's Belicosa, Updated Sunfury Plasma Annihilator and my original Sunfury.
The original new scheme, I have just repainted a quarter to match the existing ones on Dominus Victoria and removed a few of the decals as there is a little too many for my taste. Plus the blue overpainting to darken the blue.
More work was applied to the Sunfury, with a quarter scheme to match my own, and an extensive repaint of the details on the metals and the main noticeable change of the Plasma Magnetic Coils to match my blue power coils and the power cables now green, a common theme across my Titans and Knights.

A useful link to the whole Titan Construction process can be found HERE.

And finally, as this was a small update, I thought I would share the edited photo of Reaver Aquila Oculus, made by my mate Lee Marshall, (the Forge of Mars on YT). Thanks Mate!

The Rites of Colour continues, cheers. Princeps Siph