Hello one and all,

Another week - another offering of Deathwatch goodies!

This week is a 10 man, Infiltrator/Incursor squad, designed to work with my othe Phobos armoured marines in a 'Tau' inspired Camo scheme.


I like the idea of the Deathwatch force utilising all tools they can get their hands on- in this case a Mech has located details for how to 'cloak' armour, those the scheme is phasing into a camo style, however I wanted it to look more cloaked , than camo thus the armour colour is dictated by what the boots are touching - if they are on a tactical rock, the boots and lower legs a grey into browns, if the boot is on the ground, the scheme will match. The phasing is done with dark to light blues, washed with a blue, then a white line for the top of the phase. 

I really like how these guys look as a group. LH (10pts)