Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer on my Tyranid Screamer Killers. I'd been too preoccupied obviously, with the completion of #DreadTober and then #ArmiesOnParade I forgot to post these white background pics. 

These were surprisingly straightforward to paint, although I'm sure it felt a little overwhelming to do 2 and the High Rule Dude over the September and October.

A lot of work, with great results, but I was a little burnt out by the end.

It was the workload that was the challenge, not the work. 

There's still and urge to get another one and kitbash Old One Eye out of it.

I've seen some great examples with Haruspex claws, but foolishly missed a chance to get a pair on ebay.

But it's a question of 'why?'

Why do I need another one? I've got plenty to paint as it is.

Maybe if I finish all the Leviathan Tyranids and my Norn Emissary that should be added to the list.

Anyway, enjoy the pics, hope you like them.