Another month arrives and with it another painting challenge. This one is March for Macrage. This is something the hobbyists on the Ulramarines, Strategies & Tactics Facebook Group do every year. Essentially members commit to completing an Ultramarines specific project by the end of the month of March. I decided to commit to finishing another squad of Assault Intercessors, and Chapter Ancient along with a Primaris Lieutenant and Lieutenant Titus. The last two are kind of close to being done. I have to admit, this event snuck up on me. Coincidentally I had prepared to paint Tyranids and Ultramarines during this time anyway as I was expecting to have a surgery (which hasn't happened yet). So that's kind of going to work out. 

Assault Intercessors Spuad 2.

This will be another 5-man unit of Assault Intercessors.  This is squad number two, for those keeping track of my growing Primaris force. The first squad was completed last year and this squad will look pretty similar to it in the end. 

Primaris Ancient.

The Primaris Ancient is the one I am looking forward to the most. I just think he's cool. With a  name like 'Ancient' I figured he should have a helmet to reflect this while also honoring the legacy of my Ultramarines force, which was started back in the MK VI era of Rogue Trader. Therefore he was given a MK VI helmet from the Vanguard Marines set. 

And finally Titus and the Primaris Lieutenant will both receive individual posts during March For Macrage. By the way, in case you haven't figured it out, the shield in the first pic belongs to the Primaris Lieutenant  More on him in a future post. March is a big month, let's see what we can do!