I’m thrilled I get to play in the Adepticon Team Tournament for Shatterpoint. I signed up and best friend Mike happens to be available (assuming he doesn’t make 40k top cut). So we’re planning on playing together.

I’m also thrilled that I’m submitting a miniature into The Worthy painting contest. It’s been my big goal this year so I’m hoping to do okay and place or at least learn some valuable lessons.

Predictions for Shatterpoint Team Premier Showdown

Mike and I both love the minis and the lore and we haven’t played together in years and years. So this could be rough. But I think we’ll do fine.

🔮Prediction: I predict we’ll win 2 and lose 2 (2-2)

I had decent experience with Shatterpoint with two leagues and two tournaments under my belt. I’ve played somewhere around 20 games which is a lot for someone who doesn’t play on Tabletop Simulator.

Shatterpoint Premier Team for Adepticon 2024

But my record isn’t very good. And I only had 2 practice games with Ewoks. So I could have some rough learning experiences.

My buddy Mike has very little experience with Shatterpoint and no experience with his Striketeam but he’s a strong miniature gamer and I predict we’ll do just fine.

🔮Prediction: A list with Jango Fett, Obi-wan, and Darth Vader will win the event.

Jango Fett and Obi-wan are S-tier models. If you’re playing competitively you’re probably playing these minis (we have 1 in our list and I’m not playing very competitively).

Both Dark Vaders are good and one of them is brand new. The Vader1 is very powerful and compliments an aggressive play style. He also compliments Obi-wan making him even stronger. Vader2 has more control and is brand new. He also pairs well with Stormtroopers which are also new. So I predict one of the Vaders in the winning Premier team.

Predictions for The Worthy painting contest

My goal this year was to get “placed” at the Worthy. That means get gold, silver, or bronze.

I was hoping to make 2-3 submission. I’ve been logging ideas all year and have some really great ideas… but life got really busy taking care of a 1-year old. I made a lot of progress this past fall. But starting in December I got a new job and have been slammed with work and have only had a fraction of the time I thought I’d have.

In the end I was only able to finish 1 mini: Rhino.

🔮Prediction: I’m hoping for a bronze. 🥉🤞

I’m proud of my paint job. But on a technical level I’m not sure how it stacks up. Is it really worthy of a bronze (or better!? Hah!)?

I do think if anything puts me over the edge it’s the special effects. The water splash effect looks pretty darn good! And I think it will be pretty unique in the field.

If I was to be hyper critical of my own miniature I’d say there are a couple opportunities to improve

  • The base looks empty. I can probably add something
  • I could probably improve the teeth and the bloody mouth
  • A couple places on the face that don’t have the smoothest transitions
  • And a couple lines of “battle damage” that are a little thick.

🔮Prediction: Jonathan Ho will win the Odin statue again!

He won last year and who wouldn’t want to lock it up two years in a row?

🔮Prediction: Moriartis will submit a stealth Iron Man.

He’s talked about an inspiring stealth camouflage paint job on his podcast. And I haven’t seen him post any pictures of the new core-set Iron Man.

I’ve also wanted to paint a stealth suit Iron man for a while. And would love to be the first that has him blending into his background. So this is the prediction I hope is wrong.🙂

The post Predictions for Adepticon 2024 appeared first on Patricks 40k Hobby.