Primed and ready.

I had a creative itch the other day. And with a dash of boldness as well. I decided I wanted a khorne specific Daemon Prince, but with my current situation I don't have the disposable income to just go get one. But then I remembered I had a bunch of left over plastic and metal daemon prince parts. So this, kind of stupid, yet also kind of cool, idea was born. 

As I started to tinker away with the assorted parts it became obvious that the most necessary part I lacked was a complete torso, either in metal or in plastic. But I did have the front pieces in plastic.  But I had plenty of other junk that I  might be able to use and fake the rest of it with greenstuff. 

Fitting the bits. 

The growth spurt between the late '90s metal Daemon Prince and the plastic one from last decade is very much apparent. But I had this idea that he was like an old cartoon caricature of a tough guy,: all shoulder and chest and puny legs. Not too physcially different from an ork nob in that respects. 

I scrapped away on the front of the torso so it would join up better with the metal legs. Afterwards I glued the arms to the torso front piece. Slowly my 3-D puzzle was coming together. But I found that it was necessary to pin the plastic torso to the metal legs for added strength. 


Next came the big glob of greenstuff. I applied layers of muscle to the back and tried to get the  back to conform to the front. My lack of skill with sculpting is quite obvious here, but what I did accomplish I can live with. 

Baby's got back. 

I hid the most egregious errors along the belt line with trophy skulls and a marine helm. And I added a plastic cloth to cover up the tail hole, since I didn't have a tail available to fill in that gap.  Finally I glued this monster to his base and left him propped up on some paint pots for a few hours so the glue could dry and to allow the green stuff to cure more. 


After that I sprinkled on some grit to the base. After that dried I took him out with some of his friends  (you'll see them in a future post) for a priming party. Which is the state he is in in the first pic of this post. 

I shared the above pic with some of the guys in our text group and I stated how I was going for the big bruiser with the little legs vibe. Screech responded with this image ( below), which hilariously captures the exact vibe I was going for even though I hadn't thought about this at all during the modeling process (I was thinking about some tough cats from old Tom and Jerry cartoons). He's even got a skull belt buckle! 

"Never bet on Satan!"