The Deadly Assassins return! The sort of annual-ish feature where I paint up an Imperial Assassin. Somehow I skipped last year, but this year I'm (sort of) catching up by doing two-in-one with this odd-ball model. 

Admittedly this post should really be called the Silly Assassins. This model is called Krak Shot, and it's inspired by an original humor piece, by an artist on Deviant Art, titled Callidus n Vidicare Combo. Clearly it's ment to be a punny joke, and when I found out someone made it into an stl.file I had, half-jokingly, suggested on the Neverness Facebook Group that someone should make a copy for me.  Well, my old friend Scott accepted that challenge and was thrilled to make it for me. He said it was quite challengingt to print but on the third attempt he got it. And as you can see, it's quite fragile. 

After pondering what to actually do with it, I decided to make it into an objective marker. It's simply too silly to use it as anything else. I wanted to use a more ornate base but chose to just keep it simple. 

A few manic months went by and I eventually made some progress on this model. I primed the model in Chaos Black then gave it a layer of Abaddon Black. This is advice that I got from Duncan's brilliant tutorial of painting Synthskin, which I followed for both figures here. 

Black on black. 

The next stages was to apply Dark Reaper to all of the higher areas, followed by Hawk Turquoise and ending with a highlight of Fenrisian Grey


The rest of the model was fairly straightforward forward and (mostly) followed the steps laid out in Part 3 of this series. .

The Callidus' twirling and gravity defying hair was painted using Sunburst Yellow washed in Agrax Earthshade and layered again with Sunburst Yellow. I thought this turned out good despite how tricky some of the areas of. The hair. Raid are to reach.  

And there we have it, two Assassins on one model. I must apologize for the darkness of these pics;  I'm still trying to figure out the lighting in this new studio that I am in. I may edit in some  extra pics some day.....