I also did the rusty sections on the base with Vallejo Game Effects Dry Rust, similar to Typhus Corrosion, just a little more red. This will form a great base to drybrush and weather.
The Sentinels also had Dry Rust applied.
I also added a chainsaw arm to the armoured Sentinel. This was an original Adeptus Titanicus chainsaw arm. Part of me felt this was heresy.
But I'm not likely to use them for their original function when I have lovely new Titans painted if I want to play Adeptus Titanicus
And, it's better the bit gets used rather than sit in a box gathering dust. You may also spot some decorative gemstones on the inside leg joints of the scout sentinel. They had been missing some bits and I just wanted to cover the holes up.
I'll cover the gems up with paint on primer and Dry Rust and it'll look almost original. That's it for week one, hopefully I'll continue progress and keep this momentum going with first stage highlights this weekend.