The second game of the LGT saw my World Eaters going into the Agents of the Imperium. The mission was Purge the Foe, on crucible of battle with smoke and mirrors. 

My army consisted of:
Lord Invocatus
Master of Executions- Berserker Glaive
Chaos Lord on Juggernaught- Favoured of Khorne
10 Berzerkers- 3 Plasma Pistols, Icon
10 Jakhals
10 Jakhals
2 Chaos Spawn
6 Exalted Eightbound
3 Exalted Eightbound
3 Eightbound
Forgefiend- 2 Hades Autocannons, Ectoplasma Cannon

This is a tournament list I have been playing about with for a little while. It has been performing pretty well for me, so would be interested to see how it fared at a larger event. 

Aaron's army consisted of:
Callidus Assassin
Eversor Assassin
Vindicare Assassin
Inquisitor Draxus
2 Navigators
Rogue Trader Entourage
4 x 10 Navy Breachers
2 x 5 Inquisitorial Agents
3 x 10 Subjugator Squad
2 x 5 Voidsmen
3 Armiger Warglaives

A very horde guard-like army, which my army would be very good into. The Armigers were the biggest threat to Angron and my units, so would need to be dealt with. 

I deployed my army in a similar fashion to my normal deployments on this map. I had the large central ruins to hide much of my forces from the Armigers, and had the Spawn on the left to move up onto the objective. I decided not to deep strike the 3-man Exalted, as the Navigators would make it more difficult to deep strike into good positions, so wanted to have them on the board to do more work in the early turns. 
Aaron decided to deploy his three infiltrate units 9" away from my deployment zone, which would be great for move blocking me in the first turn. 

I won the roll off for first turn. 

I drew Engage and Assassinate on turn 1. I didn't need advance and charge, so took +2 move and FNP. 

I moved up the Jakhals into the middle and the 3-man Exalted into the right. On the left flank, I moved up the Spawn and two characters. Shooting from the Forgefiend took out a few of the Subjugators. I then charged in with the forward squads, killing two subjugator squads, while the one in combat with the Exalted were whittled down. 

I had scored a good number of kills on turn 1, and had staged up my army into the middle ruins to pounce the next turn. 

In his turn, Aaron got Bring it down and engage. He moved up some infantry units and two of the Armigers to deal with the Jakhals on the middle objective, while the other moved to his left. 

His shooting killed a few of the Jakhals, while he charged in with one Armiger. Another Armiger charged the 3-man Exalted. Both units were slain in combat, and he moved onto the objectives. 

World Eaters- 16
Agents- 16

In my second turn, I drew No Prisoners and Sabotage. With the two Armigers exposed, I decided to go for it in the middle. Angron and the Exalted moved up in the middle, while the Rhino moved up the right flank. The Spawn stayed back to do the Sabotage. 

The Forgefiend shot up some of the infantry models. 

I then charged in with my units. The Rhino went into an infantry squad, Angron into an Armiger, while the two characters and the Exalted went into another Armiger. Both Knights were slain and I held the middle objective. 

In his turn, Aaron drew Assassinate and Sabotage. Aaron moved up with the Assassin and Chimera towards Angron, while the bulk of his reserves arrived on his right flank in front of the Spawn. The Eversor arrived in my deployment zone to do the Sabotage. 

The remaining Armiger shoot and charged the Rhino, killing it. The Vindicare fired at the Jugger Lord and killed it. The Callidus charged the Exalted Eightbound, but failed to do much damage and was slain in reply. 

He scored Assassinate and I got Sabotage and kill more. 

World Eaters- 36
Agents- 29

I drew Area Denial and Recover Assets, which were both relatively achievable. The Forgefiend moved to deal with the Eversor to deny the sabotage. He shot into him and killed him. 

Angron charged and killed the Chimera. The Berserkers charged and killed Draxus' squad, then consolidated into the Armiger. Lord Invocatus charged one of the squads and killed six of them. I got 5 for Area Denial. 

Aaron drew Behind Enemy Lines to go with Sabotage. He deep struck in with his remaining squads into my backfield for Behind Enemy Lines. His other squads moved up to shoot into my units. 

Shooting didn't do too much damage, and I was able to kill the Armiger with the +1 to wound strat into the Berserker squad. 

World Eaters- 56
Agents- 41

The game was pretty much over at this point. My following turns saw me kill most of the remaining infantry on the board and hold the objectives. 

World Eaters- 99
Agents- 52

A win for the World Eaters. 

A rough match up for Aaron. Having that many bodies with Purge was going to be rough, and I manage to score kill more in all four turns. 

I think sacrificing the three units of infiltrators on turn 1 was perhaps a mistake, as he only needed one unit to block my Scout moves, and would have given him more assets for later in the game. The firepower of the Agents army was not that good into the World Eaters, so I was pretty safe sitting in the open for much of the game. 

I think pushing the Armigers forward was also a mistake. These were the biggest threats to me, and I was able to kill two of them pretty easily in my second turn, meaning my large units were safe for much of the game. 

A good win for me, netting a lot of points, and two wins on the day.