Well, isn't this the project that just keeps on giving. After sorting the issues with the missing pieces I got everything base sprayed black, and just as I was about to start laying down the base for the rusted metal I realized that the paints had dried out. And I do not have time to get new ones due to work. So I tried to re-moisturize them a bit by using a wet brush and gently dragging it across the surface of the dried out paints. in this way I managed to get enough pigments in the brush to keep working... but it is tedious. Well, in the end I got it sort of fixed. Not the best version but perhaps good enough.

Once the metal was done I added my brown-green to the armour plating. These paints at least was fluid so the dry brushing worked. Not much to say about this really. I have done this so many times that it is standard at this point. The base was also painted gey and sand-brown. Just need some gravel and it will be done.

Next up will be to add free hand markings and chipping.