I’m going to WarGamesCon, and taking a ‘fluffy’ 3000 point force fully painted in 33 days is going to be quite a challenge, however I am quite far along. Most of what I have to paint are tanks, which I have all the drivers and gunners already painted (luckily I did those two years ago)! 83 models for 3000 points. I wish it could be a higher model count, but I’ve always preferred mounted Eldar armies. I might change some things around to include some Dark Reapers, they are Biel-Tan, for Khaine’s sake.

My Current Focus (updated 6/5)

 4  7 (I decided to go ahead and do them all in one fell swoop) Wave Serpents with Shuriken Cannons on top and bottom.

My More-Than-Likely Next Focus

10 Striking Scorpions + 2 Exarchs, although if the 4 wave serpents get completed quickly and I’m not burnt out I may finish off the remaining 3

My model list and progression

19 Dire Avengers - completely painted and ready for war!

1 Eldrad Ulthran (converted) – completely painted and ready for war!


15 Fire Dragons - completely painted and ready for war!

8 Guardian Jetbike Squadroncompletely painted and ready for war!

4 Guardian Jetbike Squadron – Shuriken Cannoncompletely painted and ready for war!

Note that the above picture is from my work in progress – I haven’t taken a pic of all 12 together.

6 War Walkers – Scatter Laser; Scatter LaserAssembled and on on the painting table! completely painted and ready for war!

War Walkers

1 Howling Banshee Exarch – ExecutionerAssembled and on on the painting table! completely painted and ready for war!
9 (+1) Howling BansheesAssembled and on on the painting table! completely painted and ready for war!
Jain Zar (not in any list I’m taking up, but here because she was thrown into the flurry of painting)completely painted and ready for war!

Howling Banshees

3 Fire Prismsneeded to be stripped, reassembled and paintedAssembled and on on the painting table! Very near completion completely painted and ready for war!!

Fire Prisms

Remaining Models and Units

Note: these are a far cry from all that I own (although it’s a majority of my Falcon Chassis — all but 5 if I recall), just all I’m taking to Wargamescon

1 Striking Scorpion Exarch – Scorpion ClawAssembled and on on the painting table!
1 Striking Scorpion Exarch – Biting Blade (not in the 3000 point list, but in my team tournament list if I get to play — see below)Assembled and on on the painting table!
10 Striking ScorpionsAssembled and on on the painting table!

7 Wave Serpents – Shuriken Cannon; TL Shuriken Cannonsneeded to be stripped, reassembled and painted Assembled and on on the painting table! – missing 2 underside shuriken cannons – may have to do some bitz buying or try a couple of conversion ideas :)

3 More Fire Prisms - A trade out with Brent has procured me 3 more metal Fire Prism bits (I have disassembled Falcons I can put them on, this will give me a 6 strong Sunstorm Formation).

The Unfortunate News

My Team Tournament’s partner’s in-laws house burned down, so he’ll be taking his time off to help them rebuild. I truly feel more sorry for their loss than the loss of my partner. So Gauthic may be UStreaming Friday night events; I’ll put some thought on it. Perhaps one of the locals will step up and join the Biel-Tan warhost, either way I plan on having Fun Friday night :)

Edit 5/21: Status Update – completed walkers last night, Banshees are on the table!
Edit 5/26: Status Update – completed Banshees last night, Scorpions are on the table!
Edit 5/28: Status Update – Put scorpions on the side to work on a 3 fire prisms to keep from having to work on 10 tanks in a row.
Edit 5/30: Status Update – Updated Fire Prisms
Edit 5/31a: Status Update – Completed Fire Prisms, added other models painted but not in initial list, updated Wave Serpent status

Edit 5/31b: Picture Update – Added pics of completed Banshees, Walkers and Fire Prisms

Edit 6/5a: Update of current focus from 4 wave serpents to all 7, added 3 more fire prisms to the ‘todo list’.