
I have taken the minis out of the box today to give them some love. I have decided I do not want to be stuck with either jump packs or no jump packs, thus I moved on to my magnets box and started working.

First, I have cut out and mounted the legs onto the painting holders.

grot, orderly, games, workshop, flesh, tearers, death, company, blood, angels

Then I have carefully drilled, glued and mounted the torsos on the legs.

grot, orderly, games, workshop, flesh, tearers, death, company, blood, angels

As you can see they all got magnets placed instead of the little glueing nob under the back pack.

grot, orderly, games, workshop, flesh, tearers, death, company, blood, angels

Jump packs and back packs already assembled received a magnet each.

grot, orderly, games, workshop, flesh, tearers, death, company, blood, angels

So I get the option (depending on the new Blood Angels codex or Flesh Tearers supplement).

grot, orderly, games, workshop, flesh, tearers, death, company, blood, angels

Just in case they cannot make up their minds, they can take both of the packs with them (for some reason magnets work even through plastic, didn't know I bought them THAT strong).

grot, orderly, games, workshop, flesh, tearers, death, company, blood, angels

And that's the whole lot, ten of them. Now I need to figure out the weapon kits.

grot, orderly, games, workshop, flesh, tearers, death, company, blood, angels

Till later gang!