Ah, mortal, so good of you to visit today.

I have something to show you- what happens to those who rise to power before their time or those who were worthy but then fell from grace. They are not quite spawn, yet, but they are surely heading down the path all fear to tread. Our masters show mercy on these wretched souls and allow them some use in our assaults. They are the forsaken and pray you never become one of their kin.

We cast them out of our ranks and into their own mockery of a regiment as the boon of mutation is strong with them but it is also unpredictable. It Would Not Do to have a forsaken disrupt our ranks with sudden mutation so this is why we keep them apart. That and the fact that no-one, and I mean no-one wishes for that grim reminder of what happens to us if we displease our masters.

Hey all,

Today (if you guessed) I've made some progress on a unit of forsaken (and incidentally found the colour scheme for plaguebearer flesh). Kitbashed from old-school chaos warrior torsos and hand weapons, marauder legs and the mutations sprue, they do look pretty random. Plus the 'official' kit is like, $70 here- it's a big load of Nope TM



*ahem* Sorry, that  keeps happening. Sort of a side effect thing.

The flesh was painted with Bugmans' glow, then drybrushed with Rakarth flesh, which gives a nice, wan colour. Incidentally it also looks like pale, diseased flesh that's full of red weals and sores. A greenish tinge and boom! Plaguebearer flesh.

Parts from these also include some orc arms and one of the three head variants from the Tzeentch chariot (an excellent buy- 2 screamers, a giant flamer (spawn of tzeentch), two discs of tzentch and a herald/sorcerer.

This photo pretty much shows the serendipitous discovery of the cool flesh colour. However, for these forsaken, they underwent washes. Some got strong wash, others got different colours. Personally, if I'd used the yellow first they'd all be yellow. :)

Just have to decide on the colour of the armour now and then apply accordingly.

SCREEEEE! *slurp* *chitter*

The green washed one kinda looks alright.

They rank up slightly better than the OOP warriors, but I need to number the underside of the base once I've figured out the order in which they go.

That's all for now (free time is great though, so this'll come along quite swimmingly)

The Warlock

PS: Today I clocked over 10k views. Not a lot, but I feel kinda happy-ish that people stop by here. 

PPS: Anyone notice that space marines are getting a rebase? 32mm is the new 3+ ATSKNF.