With baby due-date now passed we're at defcon one, maximum readiness, trying to wait patiently for things to kick-off. Edge of the seat stuff to be sure.

Hobby time is in rather short supply, but I remain optimistic. I've been grabbing a few minutes here and there on Warlords of Draenor – the latest Warcraft expansion. It's not terribly stimulating compared to previous expansions but I can jump in for a few minutes here and there during the day, which the analogue hobby doesn't really allow.

Speaking of which, I finally have some fresh Liquid Poly (took a week to arrive!) so I can get on with Castle building in the evenings. This is heading towards a photo or two of the whole castle kit together, with miniatures, so you can see what the finished thing looks like up close and dirty (and I can see if it fits on my gaming board!).

I also purchased a box of Conquest's plastic Norman Infantry for the project, so there will no doubt be a review of that later on. I already have a host of metal Normans waiting to be converted and painted to fit my gaming scenario, but I do love a bit of plastic so felt I needed to try these out.

Good luck to everyone taking part in this year's painting challenge. I look forward to seeing results and blog posts over the coming weeks. I'd love to enter this one year…

To be continued…