No new units (no Centurions or Stormtalons)

- Force Organization -
Tactical squads and Scouts = Troops
Assault Marines = Fast Attack
Death Company and Death Company dreadnaughts = Elite
Standard dreadnaught and Furioso = Elite
Predator Baal = Heavy Support
Sanguinary Priests = HQ
Librarian Dreadnought = HQ
Mephiston = HQ (independent character)
Dante (LoW)

- Special Rules -
All units have Furious Charge
Death Company:
- Jump packs are only +3 points
- WS4
- Furious Charge, Fearless, Relentless, FnP, Rage
- Axe Mortalis - +2S AP2 - master crafted (NOT unwieldy)
- Eternal Warrior
Sanguinary Priests:
Units they join have +1 WS and FnP
Corbulo (120) gives +1 WS +1 initiative to all Blood Angel units - 6" range
+1 initiative on the charge for the entire detachment when charging

- Warlord Traits -
1. Rampage
2. +1 initiative
3. One weapon is master crafted
4. Adamantium Will
5. Descent of the Angels
6. 12" fearless bubble

- Relics -
- Jump pack allows the bearer and his unit to re-roll when deep striking and enemy units that Iintercept can only fire snapshots (25)
- Fear;fear tests are -2 Ld (10)
- One roll on an additional warlord trait strategic table (15)
- Force weapon +2S AP4, bearer may re-roll one dice in the psychic phase (10)
- Master-crafted plasma pistol, does not get hot (25)
- AP2 power sword (25)

- Psychic Powers -
Primaris: (Blessing) +d3 attacks and initiative to psyker or target character, 12" range
1. (Malediction) takes a Moral test with -2 Ld, 12" range
2. (Blessing) Target unit has Rage, -8" range
3. (Blessing) Psyker and his unit get 5++ invulnerable save
4. (Focused Witchfire) Target makes 2 toughness tests - Take one wound for each failed test; If targed dies then place 5" blast - S4 AP5
5. (Beam) S8 AP1 Lance, 12" range
6. (Blessing) Target infantry unit moves 12" in the psychic phase; no charging after this movement

- Fast Vehicles -
Rhinos, Razorbacks and Baal Predators

Mephiston (175)
WS6 - BS5 - S5 - T5 - 3 W - I5 - 4 A - Ld10 - 2+ Sv
Warlord Trait: Adamantium Will
Level 3 Psyker
- FC, IC, Fleet
Hypnotic Trance: Roll 2d6 if fighting in a challenge - if the result is lower than the opponent's Ld then Mephiston hits on 2+
One unique psychic power: (Blessing) S10
His sword is AP3