Hi everyone, todays post is about the progress I have made on the interior of the Torso; the last post was about the main painting and build, but there were still a few bits left to add.

Now complete is a bulkhead/door which separates the compartments:
A fleshy tube which is erupting from the bulkhead and goes into the (unfortunate) Techpriest:
The ceiling of the compartment, which can also be viewed when the Torso ‘lid’ is attached:
I painted all these separately as there was no way you would be able to reach any of the detail if you built it first. The build was straightforward, but unfortunately obscures even more of the detail now…
Not a huge amount of progress in a week – but I am also working on a other bits that aren’t finished, so I don’t want to post them yet – but here’s a sneak peak of how it’s coming along.