I threw some paint at the Bloodcoat Officers.  And I suppose that as this represents progress, I ought to share.  However, there are somethings that I'm not overly enamored with, so here we go;

These guys look fine for TT.  Viewed from 4' away, they blend in nicely with the rest of the army - job done, we it were.  Now the fellow in the Scion overcoat is General Horpan ('Danny Bloodcoat' to his men).  Mostly happy, but there's bits where my  paint discipline has failed and the result is messy and untidy.  Especially in close up photos - possibly more so than IRL.

The effect on the vox-op's armour I am happy with, a tick that success.

Nelson X's sash is a bit meh, having spread to his shirt in two places.  And the colour changes on his big brown boots are a little too subtle.

The blue of his hatband is all over the cap's peak, there is blue from the targetter on the shroud, brass from his leg armour on his trousers and grey from his trousers on his leg armour.  And the grey is all over the base, whereas it should be black - this is on all of them.

There's detail on Tacticae Napoleon's cuffs that's not been picked out (probably because I couldn't see it when I was actually doing the painting) but at least his hair and face came out better than Nelson X's.

Over all, as these guys will spend most of their lives in an army case and I'm not out to win prizes, these are OK for the time being.  They are now packed away for the winter anyways.  Hopefully, by the time spring comes 'round again, I'll a) remember what the improvements are and b) be bothered to do them.

Another couple of painted figures (same woes though) in a couple of days.