This Beer & Bolters 40k Podcast is brought to you by: · Beer & Bolters 40K o Facebook: o YouTube: · Tabled Miniatures Paint Studio o Facebook: o Individually tailored miniature painting commissions – we only paint at the top levels, because you deserve the best! · Defending Our Myths and Heroes o Facebook: o Defending Our Myths And Heroes is dedicated to doing just that. Our mission is twofold. Part one: Preserving the image of what DMH considers to be our modern day myths. To us Batman and Superman are the modern day King Arthur. We do this with respecting the characters in every way we interpret them. Contest: Pop culture quote contest! If you think you have what it takes, listen to any of our podcasts (or multiple podcasts, if you think you're that good); the first person to correctly name 50 references to specific movie, comic, pop culture quotes used (not counting our intro sound bites) wins a codex and painted troops box of their choice! Please list the episode, what the quote (or phrase) was, and the time it was said, in your submission. For example: "Fire at will commander", Return of the Jedi, Episode 11 @ 23:10. We know this is a challenge, but the prize will be worth it! May the Force be with you! Whispers from the Warp (News & Rumors): Blood Angels, d’uh Blood Angels Death Company and Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard get reboxed (black boxes - like everything else) and presumably, repackaged with 32mm bases, for a December 6th, 2014 release Softcover of Shield of Baal: Leviathan to be released on December 13th, 2014 Blood Talons are now Sx2 AP2 (Melee, Shred, Specialist Weapon) Basegate Games Workshop “official” response: 25mm to 32mm adaptor kits are already being released Example from Frontier Wargamming: Chapter Meeting (Q&A/Discussion): Kyle: How should a new player pick an army? What things should a new player know before playing their first game (since 2nd)? Chris: Look into the fluff, and narrow it down to a few armies that you like, and can build affordably, then pick an army that looks cool and isn’t overly saturated in your gaming group. For example, I decided that I liked Space Wolves, Blood Angels, and Orks. Adam has a 20,000+ point Space Wolf army, so they were right out, and Dave was willing to sell me some of his Blood Angels for a very nice price, so Blood Angels became my first army. Adam: Fuck it I’ll do it live! Michael: Picking an army consists of liking what you see on the table top. Knowing if you like shooting type/ close combat/ speed/ shit like that. From then if you like fluff - read a little and BOOM you got it. I typically read the rules once and then play games and learn from experience. Then become a boss. Gregg: If you tell the person you're about to play, "I'm playing a tournament list"; so they can decide if they want to play, does that make you a neckbeard? Chris: It all depends on the tournament list. We play a lot of 1850 point, tournament style lists, but we also try to avoid making them unnecessarily cheesy. If you can justify your list for fluff or flavor reasons, you’re probably good. If you can’t, or can more so justify it because you want to absolutely dominate your opponent, you might be a neckbeard. Adam: Fuck it I’ll do it live! Michael: Hell no! That just lets the person know you are planning on playing a tourney, so help me and kick my ass so I could learn my army better. I'm sure there will be people butt hurt but this is about both individuals learning the game. Paul: Can we get your views on the Digital Codices/rule book/supplements? What are the benefits/drawbacks and do you have any changes that you would like to see? Chris: Personally, I love the fact that the digital codices let me easily look up rules and stats, and will easily fit into my briefcase so I can play a quick(ish) game after work. Of course, I’m also pretty old school, so for actually reading, and other hobbying at home, I much prefer the actual hardcover books; there’s just something about paper that can’t be replicated in digital form. Personally, I’d like to see the digital copies come with automatic FAQ updates (if they don’t already) and be significantly reduced in price; I just cannot justify paying almost as much for a copy of a book that doesn’t even exist in the physical world, it just seems like a rip off. If they were to reduce them down to like $20.00, I’d probably be all over the digital editions, but for now, I’m sticking to the hardbacks. Michael: It's cool to have the soft copy of things for when you want to look things up, but as a primary means of drawing information - I'm not a fan. I feel a collector should have the hardback and rock that shit because you're man or woman playing this bad ass game. Adam: Fuck it I’ll do it live! Ben: What are some of the best ways to fit the hobby aspect (painting and modelling) into a busy schedule? Chris: Tragically, I don’t have a good answer for this one, as I am pretty much the worst offender for not completing my army. I guess I’d say to force yourself not to play games until you have your units painted, as playing games is what keeps me from finishing my army. Maybe try to strike a balance? Adam: Fuck it I’ll do it live! Johnny: What music do you play while you hobby/paint? How about when you play? Chris: Personally, I like to listen to metal or classical music for all aspects of the hobby. Amon Amarth, Children of Bodum, In Flames, and Iced Earth are some of my favorites. I’ll also throw on the soundtracks to various 40K games, or even the LoTR soundtrack, sometimes. Adam: Fuck it I’ll do it live! Michael: I listen to "epic" music - I find that it helps concentrate on my paintings. I've also had my wife read various novels to me during this time so that's fun too. Brent: What is your favorite terrain to play on? Chris: I’m a big fan of cityscapes, especially the ones you find in 40K with the big, ruined Gothic architecture. Luckily for me, these seem to be Adam’s favorite as well, so he has a ridiculous amount of city scenery and terrain for us to play on. I’m also a big proponent of realistic scenery, including destroyed vehicles, dead bodies, and ruined terrain. To this end, I had donated a Land Raider, a Predator, a Drop Pod, and several Space Marines, to the dark gods of cool terrain. Oh, I also have an unhealthy obsession with pine trees, and LED fire effects. I guess you could say I just like a really cinematic experience! Adam: Fuck it I’ll do it live! Michael: I like playing on standard forest type terrain. I like when you could imagine your squad hiding behind some forest to blast an incoming squad. Brent: Is an all mech Astra Militarum list too neckbeardy? Is it fluffy enough? Chris: Sounds good to me. I’ve always thought that the AM/IG were all about tanks first and squishy cannon fodder infantry second. Make the list cool and you’re good in my book! Adam: FILL IN BLANK Michael: That's solid! Don't let anyone tell you different - you play those tanks man! Brent: What do you foresee as the plan for next year from GW? Chris: I’m thinking that we will see a continuing of this rapid release schedule, with Limited Edition content being followed up by cheaper, less fancy versions a few weeks/months later. From everything I’ve heard, we will be seeing 7th Edition Codices for every army by the end of next year. These Codices should serve to “weaken” the power level of each army, as we have seen in many of the last few Codices. Otherwise? I’m hoping for more Campaign Supplements and Campaign Boxes! Michael: What is an answer to a list containing 2 Riptides and a Wraithknight? Chris: Punch the maker of that list in the nuts, tell him he is a stupid neckbeard, and refuse to acknowledge him as a human being. Barring that? Try to tie them up in close combat with a bunch of cheap, throwaway units like Chaos Cultists, or take them out in close combat with a force weapon on a high initiative model. Adam: FILL IN BLANK Michael: Play the field - the game is about objectives, not about kills. Yes, you may need to deal with them, so volume of Fire and army placement to not receive Fire. Close combat units that will help tie up. Again the game is about objectives. David: If you could change one thing about the setting, other than the Ultramarines, what would it be? Chris: Haha, believe it or not, the Ultramarines would not be my first choice for change! My first choice is simple: I want the fluff to advance, and I want the Emperor to die. Boom! That just happened! I think that the 40K universe could really use a shakeup, and the death of the Emperor, and ensuing apocalypse/time of ending would be perfect. Other than that? I want Abbadon to get fired, because he fucking sucks at his job. Adam: FILL IN BLANK Michael: Shit - just that there's more balance with each army, maybe it's getting to that now, so whatever. David: What are some red flags that you will not “want to be 40K friends” with someone? Chris: Any time you show up to a game with a pile of unpainted (pot calling the kettle black here) Forgeworld stuff, I’m going to start questioning your worth as a human being from moment #1. Same thing if I see that you’re running some kind of douchey spam list, are wearing a nasty, stained up shirt, or are otherwise reeking of neckbeardiness. Basically, I want to be “40K Friends” with the same kind of people that I want to be “Regular Friends” with; people that I’d want to hang out with outside of the game club, and wouldn’t be embarrassed to be seen with by a bunch of attractive women. In terms of game behavior, people I immediately gravitate to tend to: like fluff, be chill and laid back about the rules, not be dead set on winning all of the time, care a lot about achieving a cinematic feel for game, and want to pound beers and eat hot wings with me. Much like my regular buddies. Adam: FILL IN BLANK Michael: I like to meet all different types, as long as the person is able to hold a conversation on a human level - that's what I look for. So if a person is too into themselves is a red flag for me. Of course the nasty smelling fucks always are a no go. David: Does this rash look bad? Chris: Yes. Adam: FILL IN BLANK Paul: Can you remember the first model(s) you painted? Chris: Shit, that’s easy, as it was less than a year ago! The first model that I painted completely was my Khorne Daemon Prince. I picked him up on a whim while buying a pile of Blood Angels stuff from the game store next to my job site, and I spend the next week painstakingly painting him. Someone accidentally broke part of him over the holiday (this is what happens then you go to the bar for 5 straight days!), so I have to do some minor repairs to him, and finally get around to basing him, but I’m pretty proud of how he turned out so far. One of my other early projects was a Secret Weapons Miniatures base, that I was going to use for a diorama in a painting contest for the WarMaster forums. I finished the base, but never got around to knocking out the diorama. I’ll post some pictures of both on our page, once I’m finished with both. Adam: FILL IN BLANK Michael: My purple Necrons that you could see on my website (prepare to be warned) Blake: Are Dark Angels a douchey army? Chris: Fluff-wise? The douchiest. They’re basically the Spanish Inquisition in space. From a cruch perspective? Quite the opposite; they’re actually pretty goddamn terrible, although that doesn't stop them from winning, nor should it keep your from playing them if you want to. They’re actually one of my favorite factions in 40K. Adam: FILL IN BLANK Michael: Nope they are my guys haha so fuck off!!! Jacob: Do you guys think an Imperial Knight is a neckbeard unit? Chris: Nope. They’re badass! Jacob: Why do you like IPAs so much? Chris: Because they’re awesome! Stouts are my personal favorite though, so props to you! Michael: Thoughts on running a Stormclaw, 3 Drop Pods, Defence Line, Comms Relay, and some Long Fangs? Chris: I’ll defer to Adam on this one! Marty: Ragnar based fluff list, thoughts? Chris: I’ll defer to Adam on this one too! Timothy: What are your hobby goals for 2015? Chris: First and foremost: beat Adam’s ASS in a game. Beyond that? Finish up my Blood Angels and Orks armies - I’m aiming for 20,000ish points of each. Next up, finish up my small Chaos army, and get to work on some Farsight Enclaves Tau, Tyranids, and Imperial Knights. Daniel: What do you think about this response from GW about the bases? Do you think it's legit and if so are you planning on rebasing any of your minis? Chris: I think their response is legal/polite BS, but we’ll see. I will be rebasing my units, but I’m going to do it as time allows; I’m not prioritizing it over assembling and painting things.