Well, awhile ago I did a short review of the FireForge Games Templar Knights box, which is a variant of the Teutonics Knight box that I reviewed. The following are links to those reviews:
Teutonics Review
Mounted Templars Review

So, recently I picked up the Mounted Sergeants box.What can I say, here we are again with what I believe is good variant of the the best medieval plastic kit on the market.If you have not checked out my reviews of the Teutonic Knights and the Templar Knights, also from Fireforge, I would recommend that you do so now.

As for the Sergeants kit, much of the box is similar to what we have seen before in the previous two releases.  The weapons are the same, the rider bodies are the same, the command sprue is the same.  What is different are the heads, the shields, and the horses.
In the box you receive two of the above sprue and one of the command sprues.  They are once again coming out of Renedra.

The horses are from Fireforge’s Horse Sprue #2, an unbarded horse, which you get six of in the Templar box set. In this box all twelve horses are unbarded.It comes in 3 base poses with 3 different heads. You can vary up that and make various versions of the horses as shown in the following where I did up just 6 of the horses:

I'm very impressed by the horses, they are very nice looking sculpts. They also compare nicely to their Horse Sprue #1, the caparisoned or barded horse:

The horses are in two halves split down the middle and that sometimes leads to gaps, especially in the rump area of the horse. I put them together very fast and the one below was the worst of the gaps, nothing that I can't fix though, my bad:

Onto the riders.  There are 6-different shields on the two sergeants sprues.  The mounted sergeants heads in this kit are very sweet, I love the variety.There are a total of 20-heads available for twelve miniatures on the sprue and 10 are different ones.  That is awesome variety.   Below are the heads:

Size comparisons, once again I would refer you to the previous review of the Teutonics Knights kit as these are the same size as the previous stuff. Below are some more shots for size comparisons:

From left to right:  Perry Crusader, FireForge Sergeant, GW Brettonian, FireForge Teutonic Knight, Conquest Games Norman.
 Above: Perry Crusader vs. FireForge Sergeant.
 Above: Conquest Games Mounted Norman vs. FireForge Sergeant.
 Above: FireForge Sergeant vs. FireForge Teutonic.
Above: FireForge Sergeant vs. GW Bretonian.
How does it compare to infantry?  Above:  Warlord Games Giant Auxiliary, Warlord Games Roman, Warlord Games ugly Officer, Perry Crusader/Norman, Conquest Games Norman, FireForge Mounted Sergeant, Gripping Beast Plastic Viking, Foundry Roman Tribune.

Bottom line, a great looking kit, well worth my pennies, I’m extremely impressed and I simply cannot wait to get my hands on the infantry. I like this kit much more than the previous two.