Wolf brothers, first I'd like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I also have a few announcements to make for the year ahead that will make every Space Wolves player raise his tankard and cheer!

By the time you read this I'll be on holiday in Las Vegas for Christmas! Moving house has taken far longer than expected. The builders were a bunch of monkeys and the house missed its completion date by 2 months. But thankfully we're in. The only issue is that (because of the builders) we won't have any television or internet access until February.

And that means that the Space Wolves blog is going to go quiet for a little while - and then Counter-Charge with a glorious global campaign!

So while my internet is down, I will be busy mustering my forces. And I suggest that you do the same, because something very special is coming...

The Great Hunt: March 2015

"Bjorn gathered all his warriors together in the Hall of the Fang, and announced the first Great Hunt. Russ’ people would seek out their master if it took the rest of time to do it. So did the twelve Great Companies take to their ships and sail forth in separate directions across the Sea of Stars."

The tale of their deeds is too long to recount in full save on Allwinter’s Eve, when the Rune Priests gather to chant the sagas. They sought Russ on many worlds and in many places. They fought intense battles against aliens and overcame voidspawn and raging Daemon alike.

Since that day there have been many other Great Hunts – on occasion, Russ has appeared to a Great Wolf or Rune Priest in a vision and told him it is time. These are periods of daring deeds and high adventure, when the Chapter takes to the Sea of Stars to seek their lost leader."

A few weeks ago I asked on the Space Wolves facebook group

"If I organised a Great Hunt global campaign in the New Year, who here would take up arms in the name of Russ and the All Father?"

The response was quite spectacular!

And so, like Bjorn, I decided to announce our first Great Hunt.

So begin building and painting your forces in anticipation Wolf Lords, because we launch into the sea of stars in March 2015.

You will need 1,500 to 2,000 points.

The Wolfking: Leman Russ

The real reason for the Great Hunt is the rumour that this will be the year that the Forge World miniature of Leman Russ will finally be with us. And rather than wait countless years for his return, I felt it would be more fitting if Russ’ people would seek out their master.

And so I will be offering the Forge World miniature of Leman Russ to the person declared "Champion" of the Great Hunt.

More details about this in March...

Anyway, I'd like to thank you all for your continued support. You guys are amazing. I cannot imagine players of any other army to be so passionate and encouraging with such a strong sense of comradery. It's an honour to have this little blog and write cool stuff for all of you.

God bless, have a merry Christmas, a happy New Year and we'll all get together to kick some xenos arse in March!

- Adam