Apologies for putting this up later than planned. Things in my world aren’t settled yet. Improving but not there yet. And beyond these very rare updates I’m still not sure when, if ever, this site will be back up to speed.

However, regardless of how daft things get with me I still get to do things like announce the #warmonger of the year 2014.

This year we probably had more nominees than ever before which is awesome. It’s so good to see (a) so many people active in the community helping each other out and (b) so many of you out there wanting them to get recognised for it.

There can only been one winner and overwhelmingly the #warmonger community felt that @docbungle should be that winner. And rightly so. The time and effort he put into WAAC alone would earn him the crown but the fact that it was after losing his Mum makes him remarkable. Throw in that he’s always been an active member of the community on top makes him my hero.

When I get my act together and get the reviews done I’ll be sending him a couple of boxes of Thon goodies. Because he bloody well deserves it.