So after working on the Atlas bust for a while now, I wanted to do a quick little project to rejuvenate me for painting larger pieces again.

My son picked out this model while we were at the Reading Warfare show in November. And has been pestering me to paint it up. So I plucked it from the shelf and gave it a lick of paint.

I had him sit down and draw me out some example color schemes that the snake could be. And from there I then looked at what I could do to it.

I have to say it was a quick paint up here though. Really. From start to finish, it was only 3 hrs work. Mostly cause the color scheme was determined for me, and I wanted to keep the base simple.

I would find once more that techniques from the basing class in Augsburg from Massive Voodoo and Roman invaluable here as the foliage really set the stage. Also I tried to stick to the golden rule for height ( or is it hate? :D ) on the base compared to the model.

My goal was to paint it up quickly ( mostly airbrush ) and to have a simple temple like base. Hence the pillar. I kept the colors quite muted throughout the piece and then re-hit the snake with some brighter tones to make him stand out more.

Really the steps were super simple though as I just sprayed 3-4 colors over everything. Washed the base with blues/black/brown. And for the snake covered him in a black oil wash before clearing some of it and adding the highlights. And then the foliage which is just grass and some summer ivy from miniatur.

Junior is happy with the results, and I hope to get another small bust painted up before the year finishes! Let's see if I can get that achieved or not!

And for those that have to work this week ( such as myself ) hope it goes quickly for you without any major incidents!