This update is lagging behind.  These Game Session notes were originally from 12.23.2014.

Kobold Clearinghouse

The party pushes forward into the reaches of the underground complex, making sure to cover the entire map that had been given to them.  Facing off against several groups of enemies, the party eventually corners the kobold chieftain and several of his followers.  True to form, the option to join Fnu Mohammad's group is given to the dungeon-creatures.

After a brutal show of control, several kobolds agree to service with the mage and his party.  The party heads to the lower level, where they encounter a group of deranged and diseased men.  After deftly dealing with this new threat, the party safely obtains the Staff of Pestilence.

Returning to Arbora, the party consolidates.  Magic items are identified and passed among the new servants - the orc, goblin and kobolds are so far pleased at their new station.  The newly forged group prepares for further adventures across the land, emboldened at their success at this most recent venture.