We're done with 2014, let's get it on with 2015 !

Let's see what happened this year.
2014 started well, with a 3k DA army project I finished in july.

Such a big project keeps you on the breach for a long time. You keep running, whatever real life throws you in your face.

Working on the same army, the same minis during such a long time learned me painting tips, patience and motivation. Even if it was very hard to paint the 36th(!) and last terminator.

I had the pleasure to play at the Med Tour 2014 edition.

Then back to reality...

After such a challenge, it was really hard to go back to the bench.
I took me a long time to me able to have a mini before my hands and start to work on it.

Too much projects, too little time and no motivation anymore.
I finally finished a commission. Well, half of it : an Eldar Knight.
Took me four month to finish it, when I finished the Red Fury in two.
Good point to take : I founded my motivation back while I worked on this Eldar knight. I have another one to paint for the same customer, and I'm ready for it. 
Let's get it on !

My projects for 2015 :
 - Finish the two Eldars knights commision
 - Having another DA unit painted
 - Finish my "Old Blood" Knight.
 - Put my pencils on the first Armorcast Warhound.

Happy New Year to all my readers, may 2015 be a good year for our Holly Hobby.