Small update for the beginning (more or less) of the week. The new year started slowly for the hobby department when it comes to the workshop. As you can see I’m still trying to shape out the Tyranid Trygon I’ve been working on for some time here, but every day I’m meeting new challenges. And then there’s the daunting mountain of models that stay primed and beg for attention. Hopefully I’ll be able to switch to new projects once the Trygon is finished. More WIP pictures and a little bonus after the jump.

I probably mentioned this before, but painting lighter colors on a large surface is quite a challenge. Having Hivefleet Leviathan as a theme means that aside from the red weapons and purple carapace I’ll have a very large surface of cream or white to apply as skin. So far I have held 2-3 short sessions of thin paint application on the skin areas with a broad brush and have accumulated a good 7-8 coats of paint just to get the base color right. While painting the lower body I made some mistakes in lining with the main shade color which I had to correct (still working on it, the damage looks extensive), and that took a lot of time. But the main problem was keeping all the painted areas clean enough to have the smooth surface!

With Screaming Skull being very transparent it'll take a lot of layers to correct my mistakes. This is the result after 3 coats over a darker base. The workplace gathers dust very quickly so it's a challenge to keep the surface clean at the time of drying. Another reason was the stippling I did when trying to reach the recesses, I guess I couldn't avoid the pattern.

So, yeah. It’s becoming frustrating to work with the lighter color but it’s also a nice challenge to paint under such circumstances with the brush. It’s obvious I would have an easier time with an airbrush but I wanted to keep things consistent across the model. Thus, a large brush, thinner and lots of patience for each session. I’ll get there slowly.

I also wanted to distract myself with some other brush work so I laid down the base red for my Bloodletters and the claws on the Trygon. Seeing some other spot colors eases my mind.

Needless to say that needs another layer to be solid red.

Needless to say that needs another layer to be solid red.

What got me distracted from the hobby this weekend? General procrastination mostly but I also spent an entire day skiing in Uludag, which turned out to be a blast for me, my wife and my buddy from high school! Now that’s time well spent.

2-2015-01-03 11-16-30 1-2015-01-03 11-14-01

This week is hectic work-wise but towards the end of it I may have some time to spend on the minis and at least have things moving towards reaching my targets. I still have to think about the Bananalicious and Random Encounter events I planned out, so have my hands full. And that, I think is a good thing.

Filed under: Bloodletters, Chaos Daemons, Trygon, Tyranids, WIP Tagged: bloodletters, chaos, daemons, hivefleet leviathan, miniature hobby, painting, travel, trygon, tyranids, warhammer, warhammer40k, WIP