I want to wish all my friends and followers the most prosperous New Years possible! It has been a long road and I appreciate all the support you guys have given me over the years!

So the question is what is on the road ahead here on Galaxy in Flames? Well expect a lot of Warzone Resurrection in 2015, because I absolutely love the game and universe. Obviously there will be a smattering of other game systems posted about as well, since y'all know I play many games!

Bringing Mike aboard to help with content and should give you plenty to look at as you discover Warzone for yourself or just enjoy pictures of great mins and terrain!

Then there will be lots of promoting of the League of Extraordinary Gamers Blog WZR narrative Campaign, this was a had fought victory in the voting for which system they would cover as their 2015 campaign.

I am painting again and am working on a squad of Nasca Razides for WZR, pics soon!

Until next time, keep your powder dry and lead flying!